Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Every Second Saturday

On a bright, sun shiny day, my mother pulled my blanket off me, told me to get changed, and get into the car. So I did. I was so happy because every second Saturday, we have a healthy dinner which is lettuce with chow mein. For dessert we have chips, lollies, chocolate, and ice-cream. we call it "Sweet and Healthy Night."

When we arrived at Pak'n Save, my mum told me that I could get any sweet that I wanted. I chose to get some sour cream and chives chips instead.

Later on in the evening, my uncle gave me the Hannah Montanna movie because he knew that I liked Miley Cyrus. While we were watching the movie, we had some sweets.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a great story Jorja, I really enjoyed reading your story keep up the good work.

    love mum


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