Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Eating Chocolate

I was so excited that it was going to be the holidays! I went to Silvia Park mall with my mum and sister to get my Easter eggs. On Easter morning, I gobbled up my eggs and my Monopoly chocolates. They were so delicious that my taste buds felt they would burst with the intense flavour.


  1. Hi Keis,
    I like how you've added lots of interesting words like delicious and gobbled up. I haven't tasted or seen Monopoly chocolates and you are very lucky, I didn't get any Easter eggs:(.
    Keep up the great writing and I will come and visit again soon.

    From Miss Lavakula

  2. Wow Keis!I love your mature vocabulary like intense and gobble at this age!!Something wrong was that you didn't spell Sylvia properly.It was still an AWESOME story.I wish I was there,eating all the chocolate!How did you guys get Monopoly chocolates anyway?I hope you and your class can visit my blog whenever you can!Keep up the good work Keis!

    From Jonita,Rm14

  3. HI Keis
    I REALLY LIKE THAT YOU HAD SOME Entrested worlds and i want to say that you for being my friend.

    Love from Muamua.l rm 12


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