Friday, March 4, 2011

Moose On The Loose

Our teacher is from Canada and she found out that there were two moose loose in a Canadian city! We put together a few pictures to show you what moose look like...and a little surprise about what they like to do for fun! Enjoy!


  1. Hi Mrs.Barks, thank you very much for leaving me a comment I really miss you. Is your class members fantastic.

    From Asena

  2. Ki Ora Mrs Barks,
    We liked the Moose on the loose movie that you made for people to look at.That movie that you made for the people is so so kind to do for them.

  3. Hi miss barks
    Iliked the movie you made
    moose on the loose it was
    cool and nice of you to make it.

    From Rave your student in Room 12

  4. Hi Mrs Barks I liked your fantastic video but most of all I liked your music. I wish Room 10 had come up with that song

  5. Hi Mrs Barks I liked the moose in your movie because it looks very cute with it's very big horns. Will you be making more movies with animals?


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